Saturday, January 23, 2010

Small Projections Theater Can You Play Wii On A Projector Screen?

Can you play Wii on a projector screen? - small projections theater

I have a small home theater with a screen. Not a stupid shit, like for $ 50, I think the projector real deal. I tried to play on the Wii, but apparently the sensor bar is screwed, because the icon is controlled by the Wii-mote shaking when I just hold it in place. plz try to give an explanation and I do to fix it


Bulpersn... said...

I suppose you find a good place to put the sensor bar, because I doubt I could find a place for a projection of AA.

From my experience, ie, a symbol of unstable or flashing that:
The sensor bar is hidden by something, or on the remote control in a very acute angle and a clear sign of the good.
Or it can simply too far. The Wii remote uses an infrared signal that you need a toll barriers and sensor bar.
If the configuration of the bar on the ground trying to counseling, a book is placed under the regime to do, then at right angles, or just the opposite, if your top of the screen. Good luck!

ehsan g said...

Read (the manual, the "s What" s ON)

snowboar... said...

the only thing I can say is that if the configuration and go to the sensitivity of the sensor bar, though Article 2 of the shaking, or sensitivity onstable

teknodog... said...

Yes, I played in my friend's projector 120 "HD

Miss Help said...

Yes! My Wii is connected to a projection screen. the hook is complicated, however.

The Architect said...

I have a Wii and played by spotlights BTW (too narrow)

Everything that is you have to do is place the sensor in the bottom half of the screen (or more if desired) and go to school, in part or Mario Tennis

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