Friday, January 8, 2010

Stomach Virus Orlando Florida What Are The Symptoms To A Stomach Virus?

What are the symptoms to a stomach virus? - stomach virus orlando florida

My stomach hurts like really bad. I can not do everything or nothing. I do not want to eat. I have since Friday, except cilcle a pop, which made everything worse, eaten. I took Pepto Bismol, Midol, and even tried to drink orange juice, but almost drawn. I have a stomach virus or what?


Laura Q said...

The so-called "stomach virus or flu is in medical terms," gastroenteritis ". Symptoms can both stomach and intestine. The most common symptoms that can occur when it is low fever (up to 100 ° F (37.7 ° C), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloating and cramps in the abdominal area.

If you have more severe cases of gastroenteritis can be blood in the stool or vomit to be seen. The fever may reach about 101 ° C (40 ° C), and her belly swollen and painful. You may be dehydrated, you feel weak and dizzy. They are to urinate less, experience skin, dry mouth and can not sweat as much as usual, or not at all. They are not the tears when you cry, well, if you are dehydrated.

Linda said...

Probably it could be cramps period (if you're a woman)
You should try a few drinks 7up or coke have. You should also eat something in itself, like crackers

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